
Alerts are rules or conditions that are applied to Assets. Temeda offers a wide variety of Alert Rules, and an Alert event is created every time an alert condition is met. Alert Events can be configured to generate email notifications, SMS notifications, or webhooks. The Alert Detail Report can be used to summarize Alert Events generated from a single Alert Rule, or it can be used to summarize alert events for the entire account.

Alert Locations

Here is a list of areas in Temeda where Alerts can be seen.

Alert Events View

The Alert Events View is one of two places where all individual alert events can be seen for the entire account, and the other is the Alert Detail Report. Individual Alert Events can be found in the table in this view. The table contains the following information about Alert Events, which can be sorted by clicking on a column header.

  • Asset Name
  • Time of the Alert Event
  • The severity of the Alert Event
  • The type of Alert Rule
  • The name of the Alert Rule
  • The content of the Alert message
  • The date the notification was sent if one was generated.
  • A shortcut to the Asset Dashboard

How to Navigate to the Alert Events View

The Alert Events View can be found by clicking Alerts > View Alert Events.

The Alert Events View can also be found by clicking the Alert Events button at the top of the Manage Alerts/ Rules window.

How to Filter Alert Events

Alert Events can be filtered by severity level, timeframe, and by entering text in the Filter Events text bar. The Filter Events text bar can filter Asset names, Alert Names, or content in the Alert Message.

Filter by severity level by clicking on one of the levels (Critical, Warning, or Information) or their associated section in the circle graph in the top left corner. Use the Alert Event Timeframe field to filter the timeframe of the Alert Events in the table.

How to Export a CSV file of the Alert Events Table

Click the Export Data button to export a CSV file. The file will contain all the Alert Events that fall within the selected filters.

How to Clear or Delete an Alert Event

Admins can clear/delete an Alert Event from all views and reports by clicking the Delete Alert Event button in the Action column.

How to use the Alert Detail Report

The Alert Detail report can summarize individual Alert Rules, all Alert Events of a specific type, or all Alert Events in the account. Often, managers prefer to receive a report summarizing all Alert Events in place of receiving an SMS or Email notification every time an Alert Event occurs.

How to run the Alert Detail Report

Here are instructions to run the Alert Detail Report.

  1. Hover your mouse over the Reports button and then click on Run a Report.
  2. Select Alert Detail from the Report Name dropdown menu.
  3. Select the Assets that you want to be summarized in the report.
  4. The report summarizes all Alert Events by default, but a user can filter by Alert Rule type…

…or by a specific Alert Rule.

  1. Select the timeframe.
  2. Click Run Report.

How to schedule the Alert Detail Report

  1. Hover your mouse over the Reports button and then click on Schedule a Report.
  2. Select Alert Detail from the Report Name dropdown menu.
  3. Select the Assets that you want to be summarized in the report.
  4. The report summarizes all Alert Events by default, but Alert Events can be filtered by Alert Rule Type or a specific Alert Rule.
  5. Select the file format.
  6. Enter the email (s) that should receive the report.
  7. Enter the name of the report. The name will be used in the subject line of the email that contains the Alert Detail Report.
  8. Select the Frequency.
  9. Select whether or not the report should be sent on weekend days in the Occurrence section.
  10. Select the start date for when the reports will begin being sent.
  11. If necessary, an End Date or Count can be selected to stop the report from being sent after a project is scheduled to end.

Alert Locations

Fleet Overview Dashboard

The Fleet Overview Dashboard has a view dedicated to Alerts. This view provides a breakdown of all alert events triggered within your organization. This powerful tool allows users to gauge business performance, identify key trends, identify minor issues before they become significant issues, enhance accountability, improve safety, and predict future performance.

Assets w/ Alerts – The number of assets that have generated an alert over the selected date range.
  • Total Alerts – The number of alerts generated.
  • Critical Alerts – The number of critical, high-severity alerts generated. The severity level is selected when the Alert Rule is created.
  • Driver Safety Alerts – The number of driver safety alerts generated (e.g., Speed Limit, Speed Threshold, and Harsh Maneuver).
  • Idle Alerts – The number of idle alerts generated (e.g., Idle Occurrence and Idle Daily Limit).