Maintenance Schedules

The Maintenance Schedules page is a view of your saved Maintenance Plans and the scheduled intervals they are subject to. From this page you can see:

  1. Schedules displayed as Schedule Cards
  2. Add a schedule button
  3. Clear filters action button
  4. Export data action button
  5. Free text search bar
  6. Sort by Name and sort by created date action
  7. Print action button

Creating a New Schedule

  1. Click on add a schedule
  2. Open a Maintenance Schedule Detail page
  3. Text fields Schedule Name, Schedule Description
  4. Use Fixed Intervals check box
  5. Pick Odometer, Time, or Engine Hours
  6. Share Schedule with entire Hierarchy check box
  7. Allow for select a plan

Edit an Existing Schedule

  1. Click on edit a schedule
  2. Open the appropriate Maintenance Schedule Detail page
  3. Editable Text fields Schedule Name, Schedule Description
  4. Toggle the Use Fixed Intervals check box
  5. Edit Odometer, Time, or Engine Hours changes
  6. Toggle Share Schedule with entire Hierarchy check box
  7. Allow for select a plan

Deleting an Existing Schedule

  1. Click “Delete a Schedule”
  2. Confirm that the schedule should be deleted.
  3. Delete the appropriate schedule